Policies and Procedures
Student Handbook
- Fight Song
- Systemwide Positive Behavior Support
- Fish Philosophy
- Rules
- Parental Involvement
- Attendance
- Tardy Policy
- Check-Out Procedure For Students
- After School Activities
- Body Piercing
- Bullying
- Cheating
- Dances
- Debts
- Detention
- Drills
- Eating/Drinking
- Electronics
- Field Trips
- Hall Pass
- Health Records
- Library
- Lockers and Locks
- Lunch
- Misconduct
- Parking Zones and Permits
- Posters
- School Fees
- Student Identification Card
- Student Insurance
- Student Medication Policy
- Technology Policy
- Textbooks
- Transportation
- Visitors
- Weapons on Campus
- Wireless Devices
- Elastic Clause
- Annual Public Notification
Fight Song
- Bulldogs – red and black – the crowd is fired up tonight!
- Go F.H.S. let’s go! Oh, can’t you see the glow.
- The great excitement makes you want to yell – GO BULLDOGS!
- Go big red; we’re on attack; let’s shine; Show our Pride.
- Stand up; yell Go, Fight, Win Again.
- We’ll be the best until the end! Hey!
Systemwide Positive Behavior Support
The School System has a District Discipline Plan that was adopted using a model master plan from the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) and was designed to promote an effective learning environment in our schools. As part of this parish plan, each school has a discipline plan that includes the expectations of a program known as Positive Behavior Support (PBS). A PBS Team at each school analyzes relevant data to develop effective interventions to help ensure good conduct at school. The overall, systemic goal of PBS is to provide a positive climate within each school and ultimately lower the number of behavior concerns. Improving student conduct means higher student achievement, high school performance scores, and greater overall success of the students in St. Tammany Parish. PBS includes, but is not limited to:
- a school disciplinary leadership team
- identification of behavior issues in each school improvement plan
- BESE approved behavior forms
- a school discipline flow chart
- use of monitoring data to evaluate and modify the school master plan
- behavioral expectations at the school
- a reward/incentive program for positive behavior
- defined, consistent consequences for rule violations
- district established discipline policies
- appropriate Safe and Drug-Free School activities
- a crisis management plan.
Fish Philosophy
The Fish Philosophy is the expectations of our school. Teachers, support staff, and students should know and use these expectations daily at Fontainebleau High School.
Fish Philosophy:
Be There
- Be on time for school and class. Be totally focused on the person or task with which you are engaged.
Choose your attitude
- Accept full responsibility for your attitude at school. A positive attitude is a decision you make, moment to moment.
Make their day
- Do something special for your teachers and fellow students. Make positive choices.
- Have fun, enjoy yourself, and be spontaneous and creative.
- Follow the cafeteria entry and exit plan
- Trays stay in the cafeteria
- Pick up after yourself
- Visit with friends
- Stay to the right when walking
- Talk while you walk
- Be there on time!
- Respect others
- Report to administration if restroom needs attention
- Report graffiti or unsafe conditions
- Maintain cleanliness
- Teacher will develop and post rules with the Fish Philosophy in mind
All students need to know the rules of the school.
The student is responsible for and will be held accountable for all policies in the St. Tammany Parish Public Schools District Handbook. This handbook becomes a part of the Fontainebleau High School Student Handbook.
Parental Involvement
Fontainebleau encourages regular, two-way, and meaningful communication between parents and staff involving student academic learning and extracurricular activities. This communication involves and ensures
a) that parents play an integral role in assisting in their child’s learning;
b) that parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school;
c) that parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.
Tardy Policy
Check-Out Procedure For Students
Students will not call home for permission nor be allowed to check out by telephone conversation with parents. The Admissions Secretary will call the home. If the parent, or authorized person cannot be reached, the student will remain in school. An authorized person is one who has been designated, in writing, by the parent to check the student out of school. The permission authorization is attached to the student's checkout card. In order to release a student, the school must have a written permission signed by the parent, guardian, or authorized person.
- Students will not be allowed to go to Student Services to check out between class periods. A student who is to checkout must report to class. Teachers will call Student Services to let the secretary know when a student wants to check out. The teacher will supply the secretary with the following:
- name of the student
- nature of the illness
- name of parent or authorized person
- phone number to call
When the parent or authorized person arrives, the Admissions Secretary will call the student out of class.
- Students who leave school without properly checking out are considered as "skipping" and will be referred to the principal or assistant principal. This could lead to suspension.
- Students checked out by a phone call must bring in a note when returning to school.
- Absences for three or more consecutive days will require a medical excuse from a physician
Acceptable excuses for checking out are:
- personal illness.
- doctor’s appointments. Parents are encouraged to make both doctor and dental appointments after school.
- court appearances.
- special reasons authorized by the principal or the assistant principal.
Unacceptable excuses for checking out are:
- Obtaining driver's license. This can be done after school or during school holidays.
- Errands for parents.
- Vacations.
- Activities that are not school sponsored.
- Going home for forgotten items.
Students are not allowed to check out with another student unless they are siblings.
Students will not be allowed to check out by phone on pep rally days and the day before a holiday break. A parent or guardian must come to the school to check the student out on these days.
Students will not be allowed to check out of school during exams.
After School Activities
Any student participating in a sport/activity that takes place during the week on a school night is expected to be in class the next morning on time. Tardies will not be accepted. No exceptions unless prior approval is issued in writing by the principal.
It is our hope that all of Fontainebleau's students will become involved in extracurricular activities this year. We have numerous ones from which to select, and we encourage you to take part in at least one of the extracurricular activities.
Be cautious that your participation in the extracurricular activities does not interfere with your studies so that your grades suffer. In that event, you would be unable to participate. Students who are suspended or who exhibit unacceptable behavior may be dismissed from extracurricular activities at any time.
If a student is involved in one sport/activity and quits that sport/activity, the student will not be allowed to join another sport/activity until the first sport/activity season is over.
Any student participating in extra-curricular activities, i.e. games, practices, contests, competitions, etc., is encouraged to be in attendance for the full day, but must be in class a minimum of four hours.
Body Piercing
Examples of types of bullying may include, but are not limited to the following examples:
- Cyberbullying includes posting remarks and/or pictures on social networking sites, text messages, and email.
- Physical bullying includes, but is not limited to, punching, shoving, poking, strangling, hair pulling, beating, teasing, kicking, punching, or excessive tickling.
- Verbal bullying includes, but is not limited to, such acts as malicious name calling, teasing, or gossip.
- Emotional (psychological) bullying includes, but is not limited to rejecting, wronging, extorting, defaming, humiliating, black-mailing, diminishing personal characteristics (such as race, disability, ethnicity or perceived sexual orientation), manipulating friendships, isolating, or ostracizing.
- Sexual bullying includes, but is not limited to, many of the preceding actions as well as exhibitionism, voyeurism, sexual propositioning, abuse involving actual physical contact, or sexual assault.
An individual has the right to report an incident(s) of bullying without fear of reprisal or retaliation at any time. To report bullying, tell a teacher, guidance counselor, or an administrator.
Forms are available in the library, room 402, and guidance department. Forms may be deposited in room 402 or the library book drop.
Proven allegations of bullying can have serious consequences for the person deemed guilty, including verbal or written reprimand, in-school or out-of-school suspension, disciplinary reassignment and or expulsion.
Cheating occurs any time a student does not do his/her own work. Copying another student's homework, submitting another student's paper as his/her own, sharing answers on a test/quiz/assignment are all forms of cheating.
- First offense - zero on assignment/test, parent contacted, written reprimand
- Second offense-zero on assignment, parent contacted, and a Saturday detention
- Third offense-zero on assignment, parent contacted, and 2 day suspension.
Students will be required to present student ID before being admitted into school dances. Students will be required
to obtain guest passes for guests that do not attend FHS.
- Guests are only allowed between the ages of 14 and 21 and are required to follow all dance and school rules.
- The FHS student is responsible for the behavior of his or her guest.
- Once a student has left a dance, he/she will not be allowed to return to the dance.
- Students are not allowed to go to their cars during a dance regardless of the reason.
- Students will be required to sign in when arriving at a dance and sign out before leaving the dance.
- Students are not allowed to attend a dance if on the owe list. Students shall clear their debts from the owe list before purchasing a ticket to a dance.
- Students receiving instruction through alternative school settings and do not attend class on Fontainebleau’s campus are not allowed to attend school dances.
Students will be "locked-in" for a specified time. Students will not be allowed to enter after a pre-announced time nor leave before the pre-announced departure time.
Setting high expectations for student behavior helps foster good decision making skills and good choices. The following guidelines are provided as common examples of misconduct and minimum consequences.
Refer to the St. Tammany Parish Public Schools District Handbook for a more complete list.
St. Tammany Parish School Board authorizes schools to collect all debts owed the school by students and parents. Debts would include, but not be limited to, such things as lost/damaged textbooks, library books/fines, unpaid lunch fees, uniforms, etc.
The St. Tammany Parish School Board authorizes schools to withhold participation in extracurricular activities, clubs, sports, dances of students in debt. In the case of a student transferring to another school, all financial obligations shall be met before the withdrawal is completed. A student may not participate in the graduation ceremony until all obligations have been met.
Emergency drills at regular intervals are required by law and are an important precaution. It is essential that when the first signal is given, everyone obeys orders promptly and clears the building by the prescribed route as quickly as possible. The teacher in each classroom will give the students instructions. Exit maps are posted in each classroom.
Field Trips
Field trips are a privilege. Students with a failing grade in a course or disciplinary performance or a suspension may be denied permission. Students MUST receive permission from each teacher before missing a class for a field trip. Students shall adhere to all school and parish policies while on the field trip.
Hall Pass
Health Records
- The library will open each school day thirty minutes before school and close thirty minutes after school.
- The library is a place for studying in a quiet atmosphere. Students gathering for socializing will be asked to leave.
- Books on the open shelves not designated for other uses may be checked out for two weeks.
- Reference books are to be used only in the library and are not checked out at any time. Selected reference books may be checked out overnight with the permission of the librarian.
- Overdue books result in a fine of ten cents per day for every school day overdue. Overdue reserve books result in a fine of five cents per period of each school day. Periodicals do not circulate; they are to be used only in the library.
Parent & student must sign a Technology Usage Agreement Form before the student can utilize the computer lab.
Lockers and Locks
- Students can request lockers at any time during the school year.
- Students are required to keep their lockers locked at all times.
- Students will supply their own gym locks.
- A locker that is left unlocked is considered out of use. Its contents may be removed and the locker assigned to another student.
- Lockers will be inspected on a regular basis and should be kept clean and presentable.
- Students will be subject to fines for any damage to lockers.
- If a locker is damaged and/or will not lock, this must be reported to the front office immediately.
Lunch tickets are sold on a daily basis at school or through MyPaymentsPlus. Tickets may be purchased for a single day or multiple days.
All students are required to put their trash in the trashcan. Those leaving trash on the tables or floor will be disciplined.
Suspendable Offenses:
- leaving the classroom or campus w/o permission
- habitual offender
- nonattendance of detention
- profanity on campus
- possession or use of cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, electronic cigarette paraphernalia, lighters, matches and/or smokeless tobacco
- cutting class
- dress code violation
- disrespect toward teacher/staff
- fighting
- under the influence, possession or consumption of alcohol on campus
- fireworks on campus
- violation of rules on field trips or school sponsored activities
Recommendation for Expulsion:
- fighting-2nd offense
- possession of weapon (police notification required)
- fourth suspension for any reason
- possession, distribution, or under the influence of drugs (police notification required)
Parking Zones and Permits
- There is to be no loitering in the parking lot. Students may not stay in their car before school once they arrive. Students may not return to their car until the end of school.
- Student vehicles may be subject to search if there are reasonable grounds to believe that drugs, alcohol, firearms, stolen property or other contraband might be present in those vehicles.
- Reckless driving (donuts, kicking gravel), speeding, driving through the Jr. High campus and any other violation of these regulations will result in suspension of driving privileges, towing of vehicles, and/or suspension from school.
- Refer to FHS Parking & Traffic Regulation form, which is issued at the time of registration.
- Leaving campus without checking out; or transporting students who have not checked out; or excessive tardies will result in disciplinary consequences and/or loss of driving privileges.
- FHS reserves the right to restrict parking. Parking spaces are at a premium due to the growth of the school. Ninth graders will not be issued parking permits for any reason.
- Seasonal permits will be issued on a case-by-case basis for those students involved in certain extracurricular activities for the duration of that activity.
- All appeals are to be made in writing and will be decided by the Permit Committee.
Rules, Regulations, and Responsibilities:
- Students with valid FHS parking permits may park in student designated parking areas only.
- Vehicles should occupy ONE parking space only.
- Students should enter the school immediately upon arrival and should not sit in parked cars in the parking lot.
- Students may not return to the parking lot during the day for any reason without prior permission from a school administrator.
- Speeding, reckless driving, or driving in any unsafe manner is strictly prohibited and will result in loss of campus parking privileges.
- Students may not transport other students who have not been properly dismissed from school.
- Students may not loan or sell his or her parking tag for use by another student.
- Students who transfer to another school or drop from FHS need to return their parking tags to the library or to the front office.
- Students riding motorcycles to school are expected to follow the same parking and traffic rules.
- In the case of an accident on campus: all information should be reported immediately to the police AND to school administration.
- FHS does NOT assume responsibility for damage to a vehicle or its contents while it is parked at FHS or for thefts that may occur while a vehicle is parked on school grounds. Drivers park at their own risk and are encouraged to lock their vehicles.
- Any student who is not in compliance with school regulations regarding parking is subject to school disciplinary action. Consequences of parking violations are monetary fines, disciplinary action, and/or loss of school parking privileges.
- Fontainebleau High School reserves the right to immobilize, impound, or ban motor vehicles from campus. Charges incurred will be at the owner’s expense.
Parking Permits:
- Attach a copy of car registration and student driver’s license to permit application. You MUST complete the hard copy of the permit application AND the Google Form copy of the application. The Google Form is located on the school’s website under “Forms”.
- Cost of a parking permit is $10. We accept cash, a check made payable to FHS, or payments through MyPaymentsPlus.
- Permit must be visible on the rearview mirror while on school property.
- Permits are valid for the current school year.
- Loss or theft of a parking permit should be reported to the school; replacement permits may be PURCHASED for the remainder of the school year.
- During the school year, students should update parking permit information as necessary. This might include adding registration for an additional vehicle or updating vehicle license plates from temporary to permanent.
Any notices, posters or stickers that you wish to display on the bulletin boards or about the buildings must have the approval of the administration. Failure to obtain approval will result in the removal of the displayed article. Students or organizations displaying posters are responsible for removing them immediately following events or activities publicized.
School Fees
School fees may be paid on-line through the MyPaymentsPlus link located on the school and/or district web sites; or directly paid to the teacher.
Student Identification Card
The St. Tammany Parish School system requires students to wear ID badges at all times. Picture ID will be visible-- worn on a lanyard. Temporary IDs are to worn only on the upper chest. Replacement IDs are issued according to the following:
1st Replacement - $5.00
2nd Replacement - $5.00
3rd and subsequent Replacements - $10.00
Picture ID badges will be required at FHS for the following:
- to get into FHS dances
- to get an admit slip
- to check out a library book
- to vote in specified school elections
- other activities
Student Insurance
Student Medication Policy
Any student who is required to take medication during the school day must comply with parish regulations, these include:
- Medical release form (school form) filled out by physician and on file at school.
- Medication in container appropriately labeled by pharmacy or physician (including over-the-counter).
- All medication is to be brought to the school by the parent/guardian for safekeeping.
- No medication is to be in student's possession at any time while on campus.
Technology Policy
All textbooks are the property of the State of Louisiana. If a book is damaged beyond use, or is not returned at the end of the session, or the student drops or transfers out of the class without returning the textbook in good condition, the student must make payment at the original cost of the book.
The school bus is an extension of the school campus and as such appropriate behavior is expected at all times. The following consequences are used as a guideline for misconduct on the bus:
- first referral warning reprimand
- second referral 3 day bus suspension
- third referral 5 day bus suspension
- fourth referral 10 day bus suspension
- fifth referral bus suspension for remainder of school year
Serious offenses could also result in suspension from school.
Weapons on Campus
Wireless Devices
Students shall be allowed to possess a telecommunication device (cell phone) on a school campus during the instructional day provided the device is turned to the off position, completely stowed away and not in use. Telecommunication devices will only be returned to the parent/guardian.
“Instructional day” is from the time the student enters campus until the 2:36 bell.
Elastic Clause
In order to email a faculty member/administration—or for school information you may visit our website:
http://fontainebleauhigh.stpsb.org or https://jpams.stpsb.org/progress/
Annual Public Notification
St. Tammany Parish Public High Schools have begun scheduling courses for the 2022-23 school year. Career and Technical Education courses are available at all STPPS secondary sites and are open to all students. STPPS adheres to the equal opportunity provisions of federal and civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, or disability. The Title IX and Title II Coordinator is Michael Cosse’; 321 N. Theard Street Covington, La. 70433; phone (985) 892-2276; email Michael.Cosse’@stpsb.org.
The 504 Coordinator is Candice Dozier, 706 W 28th Avenue Covington, La. 70433; phone (985) 898-3311; email Candice.Dozier@stpsb.org.
All students have the opportunity to participate in Career & Technical Programs of Study including, but not limited to, areas of Health Care, Construction Crafts & Trades, IT Computer Technology, Culinary Programs, and Agriculture. Admission requirements for each course can be found in the student course guide/schedule packet of the individual campus where the course is being offered. Please contact the guidance counselor at the specific school site for additional information, program requirements and/or any questions you may have.
Educación de carrera y tecnología
Notificación Pública Anual
Las escuelas secundarias públicas de la parroquia de St. Tammany han comenzado a organizar cursos para el año escolar de 2022-23. Cursos de carrera y educación técnica están disponibles en todos los sitios secundarios de STPPS y están abiertos a todos los estudiantes. STPPS se adhiere a las disposiciones de igualdad de oportunidades de las leyes federales y los derechos civiles y no discrimina por raza, color, origen nacional, religión, edad, sexo, orientación sexual, estado civil o discapacidad. La coordinadora del programa de Title IX and Title II es Michael Cosse’; 321 N. Theard Street Covington, La. 70433; teléfono (985) 892-2276; correo electrónico Michaewl.Cosse’@stpsb.org.
La coordinadora de las services de 504 es Candice Dozier, 706 W 28th Avenue Covington, La. 70433; teléfono (985) 898-3311; correo electronico Candice.Dozier@stpsb.org.
Todos los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de participar en los programas de carrera y de estudio técnico, incluyendo pero no limitado a, las áreas de salud, artes y oficios de construcción, IT Tecnología de computadoras, programas culinarios y la agricultura.
Requisitos de admisión para cada curso pueden encontrarse en el paquete de guía/calendario del curso de la escuela donde se ofrece el curso. Póngase en contacto con el consejero de la escuela para obtener información adicional, los requisitos del programa o cualquier duda que tenga.
Giáo Dục Nghề Nghiệp và Kĩ Thuật
Thông Báo Hàng Năm
Trường Trung Học Công Lập St. Tammany Parish bắt đầu sắp xếp thời khoá biểu lớp học cho năm học 2022-23. Các khoá học Giáo Dục Nghề Nghiệp và Kĩ Thuật diễn ra ở các địa điểm hai của STPPS và dành cho tất cả học sinh. STPPS tuân thủ theo các quy định về cơ hội bình đẳng của luật liên bang và quyền dân sự và không phân biệt đối xử trên cơ sở chủng tộc, màu da, nguồn gốc quốc gia, tôn giáo, tuổi tác, giới tính, khuynh hướng giới tính, tình trạng hôn nhân, hoặc khuyết tật. Điều phối viên Điều IX và Điều II là Michael Cosse’, 321 N Theard Street Covington, La. 70433; điện thoại (985) 892-2276; email Michael.Cosse’@stpsb.org.
Điều phối viên 504 là Candice Dozier, 706 W 28th Avenue Covington, La. 70433; điện thoại (985) 898-3309; email Candice.Dozier@stpsb.org.
Tất cả học sinh có cơ hội tham gia Chương Trình Học Nghề Nghiệp và Kĩ Thuật bao gồm nhưng không giới hạn các lĩnh vực như Chăm Sóc Sức Khỏe, Xây Dựng & Ngoại Thương, IT Công nghệ máy tính, Chương Trình Ẩm Thực, và Nông nghiệp. Yêu cầu cho mỗi khoá học có thể tìm thấy ở hồ sơ hướng dẫn khoá học và thời khoá biểu cho học sinh tại các trường tổ chức lớp học. Vui lòng liên hệ nhân viên tư vấn hướng dẫn tại các địa điểm trường học cụ thể để biết thêm chi tiết, yêu cầu chương trình và/hoặc các thắc mắc của bạn.