- Motto and Alma Mater
- Cheating
- Report Cards and Progress Reports
- Promotion to Next Grade
- High School Graduation Requirements
- Class Offerings And Schedules
- Early Release Policy
- Advanced Placement/Clep Courses
- Academic Assistance
- College Entrance Test and ACT Code Number
- Exams
- Parental Involvement
- Counseling and Guidance Services
- Class Meetings
- Transcripts
- Extracurricular Eligibility
- Clubs and Organizations
- Requirements for Holding Office
Motto and Alma Mater
Optimus Optimorum
O'Fontainebleau, O’Fontainebleau
Your constant beacon guides us.
You gave us love
We learned respect, honor and integrity.
As the years go by
We lean on thee to guide our steadfast course.
All hail to thee my Fontainebleau,
Forever in our hearts we will love thee.
A = 5
B = 4
C = 3
D = 1
F = 0
B = 3
C = 2
D = 1
F = 0
Report Cards and Progress Reports
Promotion to Next Grade
- Numerical grades shall be used on the report cards for students in grades 9th - 12th.
- The following grading scale in grades 9th - 12th shall be used to determine each nine week grade:
- A = 90 - 100
- B = 80 - 89
- C = 70 - 79
- D = 60 - 69
- F = 0 - 59
- All numerical grades of .5 - .9 shall be rounded to the next highest grade including the grade of 59.5.
Grades for transfer students shall be equated to the St. Tammany Parish grading scale in such a manner that will not penalize the student. If only letter grades are provided by the transfer student's previous school, the following scale shall be used in assigning a percent:
- A=95
- B=85
- C=75
- D=65
- F=50
Parents can monitor their student’s progress through the home program using the ID number and password received in the mail. The web site for the program will be announced at the start of the school year.
9th Grade
0-4.5 credits
10th Grade
5-10.5 credits
11th Grade
11-16.5 credits
12th Grade
17-28 credits
High School Graduation Requirements
Information on Graduation requirements, TOPS, career pathways, dual enrollment opportunities and course descriptions is located in the Program of Study.
These guides are updated annually and disseminated to the students during Spring scheduling. Additional copies are located in the counseling office.
Class Offerings And Schedules
Early Release Policy
Early release students may not provide transportation for any student who is not an early release student without permission
- Only seniors qualify for early release.
- Early release will be granted on an individual basis.
- Early release students must schedule five courses.
- Athletes may be short day 1 & 2 hour only, not 6 & 7
- Early release students must have transportation to leave campus and must leave within five (5) minutes of the end of his/her last class of the day. Students may not remain on campus or return to campus.
- Early release students must make arrangements to stay in school when the daily schedule is adjusted for special programs or exams.
Advanced Placement/Clep Courses
Advanced-placement courses are college-level courses offered in the high school for qualified students who are interested in pursuing a thorough, comprehensive program of study and research. Applicants who are enrolled in these courses will take the advanced-placement examination at the end of the course. A $90.00 fee is required to enroll into one of these courses.
AP/CLEP exams are usually scheduled during the first three weeks in May. The teacher will notify students once dates are received. A $90.00 fee is required to take the CLEP test.
The score reported on the examination and each college's policy regarding advanced-placement/CLEP will determine whether college credit will be granted for the work. The advanced-placement/CLEP examination score is not part of the admissions process.
Academic Assistance
College Entrance Test and ACT Code Number
LEAP 360 Diagnostics - English I & II only
Aug 19 - Sep 3 Computer- based Test
WorkKeys - Seniors Only
Sep 5 Computer- based Test
Practice ACT
TBD Moodle Grades 9-11 only
WorkKeys - Seniors Only
Oct 7 Computer- based Test
PSAT Practice Test
Oct 9 Computer-based Test
Oct 16 Computer-based Test
ACT @ FHS (National test date)
Oct 26 Paper- based Test
WorkKeys - Seniors Only
Nov 4 Computer- based Test
Nov 20
Proctored by Military Paper-based Test
WorkKeys - Seniors Only
Dec 4 Computer-based Test
Fall LEAP 2025 Retests
Dec 9 - 13 Computer-based Test
ACT @ FHS (National test date)
Dec 14 Paper-based Test
Semester Exams
Dec 17 - 20 All grades
LEAP 360 Interims
TBD English I and II
Practice ACT TBD Computer-based Test
ELPT Feb 10
March 19
LEP Students Only
Computer-based Test
LEAP Connect
Feb 10 - March 19
LAA-1 Students Only
Computer-based Test
ASVAB Computer-based Test
ACT - Accommodated
March 11 - 14
11th grade only Computer-based Test
^ACT Standard Testing
March 11
11th grade only Computer-based Test
LEAP 360 Interims TBD Algebra I and Geometry
ACT Make-Ups TBD Computer-based Test
CLEP Testing - Session 1 TBD Computer-based Test
WorkKeys - TOPS Tech Juniors TBD Computer-based Test
ACT @ FHS (National test date) Feb 8 Paper- based Test
Spring LEAP 2025- Seniors*
April 7 - 8 Computer-based Test
Senior Exams Senior Classes
Spring LEAP 2025 - English I & II
TBD Computer-based Test
Spring LEAP 2025 - Gov't & USH
TBD Computer-based Test
Spring LEAP 2025 - BIO
TBD Computer-based Test
Spring LEAP 2025 - Algebra I & Geometry
TBD Computer-based Test
AP Testing
May 5 - 16 Paper- based Tests
CLEP Testing - Session 3
TBD Computer-based Test
Parental Involvement
Fontainebleau encourages regular, two-way, and meaningful communication between parents and staff involving student academic learning and extracurricular activities.
This communication ensures
a) that parents play an integral role in assisting in their child’s learning;
b) that parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school;
c) that parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.
Parents are encouraged to monitor their student(s) progress through the on-line Student Progress Center. Assistance with accessing the site may be obtained by contacting Mrs. Peters in the front office.
Parent meetings, email, Teacher Web (school counseling website), and our call home service are just some of the ways we communicate important information to our school community. Your student receives current information through announcements, fliers, and quarterly class and small group meetings, to name a few.
Counseling and Guidance Services
The student should seek the aid of the counselor with personal, social and scholastic problems; with planning of his high school program in light of his abilities, interests, and needs; checking college-entrance requirements and scholarship information; and with making decisions concerning vocations and selecting colleges.
All five of the counselors provide individual, small, and large group counseling in the areas of academic, career, and personal/social development of your student.
Class Meetings
Transcript request forms are available in the guidance office. Complete the form and return to the office. The fee is $1.00 for the first; $.25 per extra; $.50 if to be mailed.
A final transcript request form will be available from the senior counselor in May. State of Louisiana college/university will access the transcript electronically. The final transcript will be sent to an out of state college/university after guidance receives the completed form and fee: the first one is free.
Students that take certain courses may be eligible for a TOPS scholarship. The courses and requirements are listed in the TOPS Program rules, which can be viewed at or by contacting the TOPS Program at 1-800-259-5626, ext. 1012.
Extracurricular Eligibility
For a student to be eligible scholastically for extracurricular activities, he/she must have an overall 1.5 G.P.A., unless otherwise stipulated, receive instruction on the school campus and have a good disciplinary record. The officers of all clubs and organizations must maintain a 2.0 G.P.A. Students must schedule 7 classes. All other eligibility requirements for other activities are at the discretion of the school. The school shall disseminate these requirements to students and parents.
Clubs and Organizations
Requirements for Holding Office
- A student is permitted to hold no more than one major office.
- Any student who has a record of disciplinary offenses will not be permitted to hold an office.
- Officers of all student organizations should be examples of good behavior.
Class Officers:
Secretary, Treasurer, President, Vice-President
Student Council Officers:
Yearbook Staff: Editor and Business
Newspaper Staff:
President or Captain of Any School Club
All Officers must Maintain a 2.0 GPA